The information we collect from companies through Dealum

Company Profiles

Initial Application Profile

    • Company Name (legal and doing-business-as)

    • Company Logo

    • Primary Currency

    • One-Line Intro

    • Website

    • Contact Info

    • Location Info

    • Is your company registered or incorporated?

    • Is your business registered in Canada?

    • Company Stage (Idea, MVP/Seed, Product-Market Fit, Scaling Stage)

    • Broad Category (Software, Hardware or Other)

    • Industry

    • Customer Focus (B2B, B2C, B2B2C, etc.)

    • Bios for key team members

      • Name, role, relevant experience, LinkedIn

    • Problem Summary (2-3 sentences)

    • Solution Description (2-3 sentences)

    • Market (who are your customers and users in more detail?)

    • Finance/Funding

      • What is the minimum and maximum amount of capital you're seeking?

      • What is your target raise amount?

      • How much of the current funding round have you already raised?

      • What is the company's funding stage?

    • Are you EBC approved?

    • Referred by

    • Pitch Deck

Full Company Profile

These items are in addition to the items in the initial application profile.

    • Number of team members

    • Number of full-time employees

    • Please describe the makeup of the company's board of directors

    • Please describe the makeup of the company's advisory board

    • Does the team have industry experience?

    • What are the company's biggest needs when it comes to its team?

    • Explain in short, why are you the team that will make this company a success?

    • Problem Summary (2-3 sentences)

    • Describe your solution (2-3 sentences)

    • What stage is your technology at?

    • What is your TRL? (optional)

    • If your company's product is a digital or web-based application and you have an online demo available, please provide a link (optional)

    • Summarize your customers and market (who, how many, how are you reaching them, what progress have you made?)

    • Geographic markets

    • What steps have you taken to validate the market?

    • Is your product commercially available?

    • Number of registered users/customers

    • What is your unique value proposition?

    • What is the competitive advantage of your company?

    • Provide a list of your competitors

    • Which companies do you consider to be your main competitors and why?

    • Summarize the business model in a few sentences. How do you make money?

    • Select your business model type

    • What are going to be your main cost drivers?

    • What's your revenue this year?

    • What's your monthly recurring revenue?

    • What's your currently monthly burn rate?

    • How much cash do you have on hand?

    • How many months runway do you have?

    • How long has it been since, or will it be until, the company is cash-flow positive?

    • How much funding or investments have you received so far?

    • How much have you received in grants or other non-dilutive funding?

    • What have you used previous funding for?

    • What type of financing agreement is the company offering?

      • Provide terms for convertible notes

    • What is the minimum investment size for investors?

    • Do you have a lead investor?

    • What pre-money valuation are you expecting?

    • How did you calculate this valuation?

    • When do you intend to close this funding round?

    • Are you currently applying for any other kind of funding?

      • Provide details

    • Do you plan to raise in the future?

    • What have you achieved so far?

    • What are the most important metrics by which you are following the development of your startup?

      • What progress have you made with these in the last 6 months?

    • How long has it been, or will it be until, the company commercially launches?

    • What is your go-to-market strategy?

    • What milestones are you planning to reach with the current funding round?

    • Which sustainability development goals does your company contribute to? (optional)

    • What are the risks? What steps will you take to mitigate them?

    • What is your exit strategy?

    • Which companies would be most likely to acquire you and why?

    • What is your exit timeline? Explain

    • What other resources do you need in addition to capital? (optional)

    • Have you participated in any accelerator or incubator program?

    • Upload a business plan (optional)

    • Upload a lean canvas (optional)